Digital signage for amusements parks

It is clear to everyone in the Digital Signage business that hospitality is one of the largest markets, and indeed the number of large scale projects in hotels, resorts and food chains is growing.
A niche area that falls under the hospitality domain is the amusement parks. While in the past, this specific domain was not properly targeted by digital signage solution integrator, it is becoming clearer that screen messaging for amusement parks is highly effective and the number of successful signage implementations is rapidly growing.
From the parking lot and through the entrance, the digital signs are the best way to interact with the customers, offer special deals, different paying methods, and even special offers to make sure they will keep coming back. At this stage, the amusement park can publish special announcements and promote new interesting activities.
While the customers are inside the amusement park, in addition to the above messages, the park management can add a large variety of interactive messages, using the popular social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and even Yammer if this is closed event for a company or an organization). The ability to share pictures, videos and tweets on a big screen is not only for fun (and it is fun!), it can also be used by the amusement park management as a call for action and a great way to ‘stay in touch’ with their customers – click on ‘like’, share a photo of yourself sliding on the huge slide, and go grab a free Ice cream (show me a kid who wouldn’t take this deal!). This simple act will ensure the customer will keeps the engagement even when he leaves the amusement park.
The Park management can also use the annoying waiting time in the queues for the attractions, to promote activities, share amusing content and infotainment, using digital screens alongside the lines. This boring waiting area can become interactive scenery on the big screen – games, polls, trivia and social network interactions can be easily deployed.
The cost of implementation for digital signage at amusement parks is becoming less “painful’ as the price for digital Signage software is relatively low (few dollars per month per screen, for SaaS based solutions), the hardware can be a generic device purchased at any electronics store and runs Android, Windows or Chrome OS, and the management can be done by literally everyone without IT know-how. The cost for outdoor fit devices (players and screens) might be 20% higher.
Digital signage for amusements parks – a serious addition!


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